Brain basics

The brain is split into two sides, or hemispheres, the left and the right. These two sides are connected by a thin structure called the corpus callosum. Each side of the brain is responsible for specific functions.

Left hemisphere:

  • Controls the right side of the body

  • Responsible for the three Lā€™s: logic, language and linear thought

Right hemisphere:

  • Controls the left side of the body

  • Creativity, imagination

Three parts of the brain

  • Brain stem

    • Responsible for basic functions of survival

    • Controls automatic body functions, such as breathing, blinking, etc.

  • Emotional brain

    • All living creatures have this part of the brain

    • Responsible for emotions and body sensations

    • Houses the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

      • Sympathetic nervous system is also known as our fight or flight response

      • Parasympathetic nervous system calms us back down

  • Prefrontal Cortex

    • Only humans have this part of the brain

    • Responsible for higher order functions, such as judgment, reasoning, planning, impulse control, etc.

    • Finishes developing around age 25

      • This means our ability to regulate emotions is not fully developed until then!

    • Shuts off while experiencing trauma


Our Nervous System


What is trauma?